3. What is a Campaign?


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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Campaign Elements

A campaign consists of three elements;

  1. Content - text, image(s), video(s), document(s), audio, survey questions

  2. Audience - who you send your campaign to. On the Communic8 platform, we refer to your audience as Recipients

  3. Delivery - how you inform your recipients so that they know they have the campaign to view. This can be done via email, SMS, mobile native app (iOS & Android), thru social media

Campaign Publishing

When your publishers create, edit and publish a campaign, the process takes place on the campaign details page. From there you have 3 tasks to complete: create and edit your content, select your audience and configure your delivery options:


When creating your campaign you have full control over your content and how it's structured by using our intuitive content editor:


Your campaign audience, your recipients, are easily managed through an intuitive interface that allows you to search, select and assign individual recipients or groups of recipients and add them to your campaign:


How you deliver your campaign to your recipients is managed through the campaign delivery settings:


After you've sent your campaign you will begin to see your campaign analytics come to life as your recipients begin to view the campaign and the content within. A campaign provides recipient engagement analytics to help measure the success of your communication at the individual or campaign level. From the Analytics tab of your campaign details page, you will be able to see analytics in relation to the following: Overview, Delivery, Behavior, and Audience.

Campaign analytics pull information from different sources based on the lifetime of the campaign.

  • Email delivery measures: opens, clicks, bounces, spam reports and unsubscribes

  • Mobile app measures: status of app installation and communication views

  • SMS measures: clicks

Campaigns help determine

  • Who has engaged with the communication

  • What is the mood of each individual (based on reactions/feedback)

  • Where is the focus needed


When building your campaign content, we recommend that you start with a template. Communic8 comes pre-loaded with a set of beautiful campaigns that you can leverage from day one. Or you may use your own in-house design talent to build your own templates based on your specific organisational branding requirements.

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