Design your Recipient Data

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Updated over a week ago

Recipients are the people that receive a communication. You can create your Recipients a few ways:

  • Bulk Load

  • Individually

  • On the fly as you send Campaigns

  • API integration from your HR System, i.e. SuccessFactors Employee Central

But before you start creating recipients, you should spend a little bit of time deciding how you want to structure your recipient data. This is a very important step as it will later impact how you assign recipients to campaigns, generate reports and create meaningful insights, etc.

Communic8 Recipient Data

  • Primary recipient data (mandatory)

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email Address (must be unique across all users)

  • Primary recipient data (not mandatory)

    • Needed when sending SMS messages

      • Mobile country code format [Australia for example is +61]

      • Mobile number [Australia for example is 0423564234)

    • Not related to sending SMS messages

      • Phone country code format [Australia for example is +61]

      • Phone number [Australia for example is 07 3356 4411)

  • Standardised fields

    • Country - this field represents all worldwide countries and comes pre-loaded into your instance.

  • Free text recipient data - we suggest that you keep to a strict naming standard for these fields to ensure this data is useful for segmentation later on.

    • Role Title - because this is a free text field, you can enter any value you like for the recipient role title. While the field name indicates you would use this field to capture the employee's role, you can utilise the field however you choose. This doesn't need to be the employee's actual Role Title reflected in the organisation structure, it could simply be "Manager" or "Employee", it could be an occupational group. Or it can just be left blank. You decide. Keep in mind what Communic8 offers another type of recipient data field called Tags. See below.

    • Department - because this is a free text field, you can enter any value you like for the recipient department. While the field name indicates you would use this field to capture the employee's department, you can utilise the field however you choose. This doesn't need to be the employee's actual Department reflected in the organisation structure, it could be a specific geography, country, city, zone, workgroup, or business function.

    • Location - because this is a free text field, you can enter any value you like for the recipient location. While the field name indicates you would use this field to capture the employee's location, you can utilise the field however you choose. This doesn't need to be the employee's actual Location reflected in the organisation structure, it could be an office location such as "Building 2", or a desk floor and seat, or city, state, etc. Just remember to be thoughtful how you design the data so it's valuable later when needed to segment or search against your users.

  • Administrator controlled field - this field is managed by a super admin user.

    • Organization - Decide what org data you wish to display to appropriately segment your Recipients into groups. This doesn't need to reflect an organisation unit in the corporate structure. This can be a segmentation appropriate to your communication strategies. This could be by region (e.g. Northern Region, North America, South America, APAC, etc) or it could be a Country or a Division in the company, e.g. Retail, Operations, Maintenance.

    • Note: you cannot create new organisations at the time of recipient creation, it must already exists in Communic8. Organisations can be created and managed in the system by going to Address Book > Organizations. Once the organisation has been added to the system you can assign the organisation to recipients.

  • Tags - tags provide the capability for you to add your own custom fields against the recipient record without having to involve the Communic8 development team. For example, say you wanted to capture a new field called "Favourite Food". Your recipients could have most any value entered against this field. For example, "Hamburger", "Pasta", "Thai", etc. You can create and manage your own recipient tags by going to Admin > More > Recipient Tags

    • Click the plus icon in the bottom right-hand corner

    • Enter the Label which can be a text string. This will be the label which provides a user friendly name for the tag to display in various interfaces, particularly when searching recipients by the tag and creating recipients and adding their tag value.

    • Enter the Code which will be used in several ways. If you only ever add your users manually, one at a time, you won't ever be bothered with the code. When adding tag data via a CSV recipient bulk upload, or through our integration solutions, you will need to know the code.

      • CSV upload: once you've added a new tag with a code, you will see in your spreadsheet a new column with a header titled "tag.<code>" For example, say you create a new tag as above with the label "Favourite Food" and the code "FavFood". The CSV field would be tag.FavFood and this field is where you would enter values.

      • Integration: depending upon your solution, you will communicate your mapping requirements from your backend employee records to the appropriate Communic8 tag(s).

    • Decide if you want to limit (pre-define) what values can be stored against the tag. Continuing with the same example, if you uncheck the Allow any value you will be presented with

    • Is active is exactly as it sounds. When unticked the field will be disabled and you will not be able to add values to this tag for the recipient.

    • Select Save

  • Adding recipient tag data - now that you've created your tag, you can start entering data against that particular recipient tag field:

  • Searching tags - as you create new tags they will be added to Communic8 console interfaces where needed. E.g., any location where you currently have recipient search you will see new fields popup for each active tag. If you've unchecked "Allow any value", the fields you've added will appear in your search interface as seen below:

If you wish to use API integration, this is an additional service that we provide. Please send a support request to with your requirements so we can explore these requirements with you.

One more thing... if you're like us and want to be extra sure that all the beautiful campaigns that you've worked so hard on land in your recipient's inbox, read the "Recommendations on maintaining high delivery" support article. This article provides a 5-step plan which will most certainly improve your campaign email delivery and help guarantee that your recipients receive your email.

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