10. Using the Media Library


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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

The Media Library is your tool for organising, uploading, and managing the images, videos, and documents you use across the platform.

To add an image, video, or document, simply navigate to the relevant Media Library menu and click the Upload button. Once a file is uploaded, its information (such as title, description, and albums) can be updated to help keep files organised and easily searchable.

What is an Album?

An album serves as a tag for grouping files together to be easily found later. To add a file to an album, simply add the album name to a file's Albums field. The album does not need to exist before adding it. As an example, the album "Branding" has been added to this image:

Albums are created automatically in the Albums tab and are a collection of files which have this tag added to them. Now that we've added a Branding album to the above file, that album will appear in the Albums tab:


Recycling Bin

Another way to help keep your files tidy is to move files that are no longer needed to the recycling bin. From the recycling bin, Super-users can either restore the files back to the media library or permanently deleting them. Moving a file to the media library or permanently deleting it does not affect it's use in existing templates, broadcasts, and campaigns - If a file that has been used is deleted, a copy will be maintained for communications that have used that file.

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